Blast cleaning – online and offline

Blast cleaning is a method where we use explosive material to remove slag build-up, coatings, etc. from surfaces in industrial environments. This technique is particularly suitable for industrial plants, incinerators and process plants.

We recommend blast cleaning for waste and bio boilers as well as for cleaning boiler rooms, superheaters, economizers, electrical filters and lime silos where thorough and precise cleaning is essential for operational optimization.

For blast cleaning of surfaces, we offer both offline and online formats. This makes it possible to perform the cleaning while the plant is still in operation, if desired.

Our online solution allows for surface blasting at temperatures up to approximately 1350°C using specially developed water-cooled lances. These lances can be “broken” to place insulated charges precisely in hot areas, significantly extending the time between required blasts.

Blast cleaning with Nordic Powergroup

  • Nationwide service 24/7/366
  • Own explosives depot and online scanner system
  • +10 trained blast leaders
  • Inspection with No Entry thermal imaging camera up to 1200° C

Security breaches during shutdown and audit

During shutdown and overhaul, blast cleaning can be used as a safety measure.

Here we perform controlled blasting to remove slag and create safe working conditions for scaffolders and others who need to enter the facility before starting their work.

This method also shortens the process of subsequent sandblasting or flushing by removing all loose slag and ash beforehand, making maintenance more efficient.

Your nationwide expert for blast cleaning, 24 hours a day, all year round.

Ongoing maintenance

– with 24/7 service

We are experts in the field and can ensure that superheaters and economizers are kept open at regular intervals with small controlled blasts to keep heat absorption and airflow at a maximum.

The blasting can be performed even in minimal space. We utilize our NO ENTRY thermal imaging camera up to 1200 gr. C to ensure accurate and precise inspection and temperature measurement without physical intrusion.

As your sparring partner, we are happy to create a blasting calendar to keep your boiler running between audits. We also have nationwide 24/7/366 service and our own explosives depot and an online scanner system for monitoring the blasting process.

We have more than 10 trained blasting supervisors ready to ensure an efficient and safe solution for your facility. Contact us and let’s talk about the possibilities!